Friday, March 23, 2012



So I never really realized how much of a pink fan I am until I came into work this morning and was given the official "wolfpack" gang cup. I was given pink. When I filled my glass and then sat down at my desk, that's when I saw it... PINK! Believe me, that wasn't my intention. :P
I like pink!... But I didn't think I was obsessed with it!
Thankfully, in the apartment, I've not overwhelmed either of us with pink. I actually think blues, greens, and browns dominate. Very earthy, beachy colors.

Speaking of apartment, we're moving in tomorrow! :) YEAY!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!!! Gonna freak out like 5 minutes til we get the key. ;) Thank you in advanced to everyone who helps us this weekend.

Back to work: Today one of my many bosses (LOL!) has been training me since the other bosses are out of town for the rest of the week. Yesterday I made my first trip to LA for the company to measure out signage. I like this! I was worried that the idea of me going to LA was going to be anxiety ridden like it used to be for my other job. Oddly enough, it wasn't. I got there, did my thing, and came back down to San Diego county. Quick, painless (well other than the $5.00 and 1/4 tank of gas), and easy. I stopped and had lunch with my sexy Marine - he's checking out of the Corps right now so I knew he wouldn't be doing guard duty. I love that man, have I said that yet? ;) I really do. He's amazing. :D *sigh*

Anyway, today my boss told me I failed at being a gatekeeper. WHA?! ME!? FAIL!!!?? F-A-I-L?! Me. Marie!? NO!!!!!!!! A customer did the old switcher-oo on what they were really calling for so a call got sent to the wrong person. So I got brought into the office and we talked about how I could do it better.
Instead of just asking for name, company, and who they're calling for I need to be prodding for more information. If they say accounts receivable I need to ask if its a contracted account. If it is, I send it to the person I had earlier. If it's not or they don't know, I can handle it (apparently) if they're just doing a bill. If it's any other questions on the account, I'm not really sure how to help.
Being a secr..-cough-..administrative assistant is new to me. I've been a teacher, office manager, retail sales, sales executive, and graphic designer, but never an admin assistant. I need training. I've kinda been off on my own little thing trying to do as best I can. Now I need more training. My boss acknowledged that I'd not had much training in that job description because as of late they've had me doing a heck of a lot more graphic design stuff. The only admin stuff I was doing was answering phones and getting and sending out mail. Occasionally I'd have a contract faxed or signed, but not often. So he promised to take on the roll of training me to be an ace admin. I'm happy someone is going to help me! I don't - NEVER have and NEVER will - like the word "fail". Makes me mad to think that I'd failed.
I've been reading blogs/articles all day about how to be a great admin/executive assistant that he sent me. There was one article that really hit me. It was about communication...

There are basically four different social styles in which we communicate. Each style gives and receives information differently. If you can identify your boss’ style (as well as your own), we can begin improving the communication process between you.

1. Analytical

2. Driver

3. Amiable

4. Expressive

Drivers are business-like and want the facts. They want you to get straight to the point. are very decisive and can be impatient and demanding. Drivers want power, control and authority. Their primary focus is on results. To effectively communicate with a driver, be clear, specific, brief and to the point in a business-like manner. Have all of your supporting material, be well organized and present your information logically and efficiently. When presenting facts and figures, give the probability of success and offer options. Avoid rambling conversations and non-essential information. In other words, don’t waste their time or try to build a personal relationship (save that for the Amiable). Don’t bring a disorganized presentation or leave issues open ended. Remember, get to the point, be efficient and thorough, and give them options.

Analyticals need data, data and more data. The more information you provide them, the better.. They are very detail oriented, good at problem solving and organizing and tend to be very thorough and will take their time coming to decisions. Their primary focus is on details. To effectively communicate with an analytical, indicate that you have done your homework and extensive research when possible. Be straightforward, direct and stick to your plan. Detail the positives and negatives to any suggestions that you make and make it known that you are available to see the project through and understanding their desire to be thorough. Avoid being disorganized, messy, too casual, informal or loud. Never rush an analytical! Always follow through and never appear vague. Just the analytical all the facts and details and allow them time to think it over and make a decision.

Expressives see the big picture and are not interested in details and are risk-takers. They are loud, personable, enthusiastic, love color and tend to be flamboyant and emotional. They seek recognition and visibility. They are primarily right brainers whose primary focus is on creativity. To effectively communicate with an expressive, show interaction that supports their dreams and intentions and your intent to formalize the details of their treatment. Draw out their creativity, opinions and ideas. Avoid being curt, cold or autocratic and never leave decisions hanging in the air with an expressive. Also, don’t be impersonal, judgmental, task-oriented and never talk down to them or appear dogmatic. Expressive are people oriented and will not respond to condescending behavior..

Amiables are warm, friendly, dependable, dedicated and cooperative. They are good listeners, team oriented and very sensitive. They want low risk with guarantees and avoid making decisions. Their primary focus is on satisfaction and proven results for the others. To effectively communicate with an amiable, show your concern for them as a person from the outset and find areas of common ground. Be candid, open, patient and show an interest in their personal goals. Maintain a nonthreatening manner and a casual, informal demeanor Amiables are not risk takers! Assure them that risks will be minimized and provide them with benefits, personal assurances and clear, specific solutions with maximum guarantees.

After reviewing each style, do your best to figure out which one describes your boss and which one describes you. Then, communicate to your boss in his or her style. That is the key. You must identify the other person’s style and deliver information to them in their own style to maximize the communication experience for both of you. Give it a try. It really does work, even in your personal life.

I discovered that I had been communicating to my husband all wrong. I would call him at work and ask him what I thought was a simple question: “Paul would you like to go to Florida or the Bahamas for vacation?” Paul is an analytical and I am an expressive so he would get flustered and rush me off the phone saying “I don’t know, I can’t think right now, talk to me later.” Can you identify what I did wrong? As an analytical, I did not give him enough information; there weren’t enough details for him to make a decision. So now, let me show you the right way that actually worked quite well.

“Paul, would you like to go to Florida or the Bahamas next July? American Airlines has a sale for $199 round trip and we can stay at the XYZ resort. We can put it all on Mastercard and pay it off in three months.”

BINGO!! That’s the way to give information to an analytical.

I like it! As I read over this, I've realized that this little section would solve a million issues on communication I'm currently having with my boss who's having me do design things. I am a very analytical communicator. Now I want to research more about communication!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Weekend Quicky Wedding? Think NOT!

Friday morning I received a letter that was rather out of line from my land lords. I know they probably didn't plan to hurt my feelings, but I overheard them in the morning... I was mad, irritated, I cried at the idea that people would be so judgmental. "Should I wake her? I want to tell her she doesn't have to do it that way." They were mad because the month to month contract we'd signed in January was now ending like I said it would last month. They forgot. They didn't want me to leave so they were trying to figure out ways to keep me there. I'd told them we couldn't afford rent on 2 places. Did they listen, no. A white lined paper slid under my door with a list of things to do. I threw the page on the bed, grabbed my towel, and rushed into the bathroom to get ready for work and leave as early as I could. After work, I wasn't sure what to do. It was pay day, so I deposited my check, took out a bit of cash, then went to Ross to pick out a few basics for the apartment. By the time I'd had enough window shopping (I didn't want to spend much money) Loren told me to just come up to base. I drove up to Camp Pendleton and we went out for dinner. We decided to make a weekend of it and so I didn't come home until Sunday night. ;)

St. Patty's day was spent at 55 Yard Line in San Marcos. That place is awesome! We could eat and drink the same amount we would have in Oceanside, but only spend $33 - not $175 like we normally would. Driving to San Marcos was so much smarter for us. We called it a night early, but we were both very tired. But friends came out with us anyway. A lot of the Marines decided that they were going to stay in because it'd been raining all weekend.

Sunday Loren and I spent the day watching movies and just vegging. By evening Loren took me to a beautiful restaurant in Carlsbad. No one had ever taken me somewhere so pretty before. :) Such a wonderful evening! I've always said I'm not someone who needs to be given luxury and given frills. I'm realistic... But it was nice to be taken to a place like that. :) Made me feel good!

Monday when I got home from work I had to confront my land lord about the letter... They asked if I'd got it... I told them I had... I told my land lords we weren't moving the wedding up. We're keeping it where we're planning because we want our friends and family there. My land lords want us to elope and made a point of planning it in the letter I received Friday morning. I woke at 6:50am to them yelling about how I should have a Costco wedding, buy a dress, and then we go get married on the beach with as many friends as we could find. Do it all by the weekend. Nothing to do with our family. Loren wants his family there. I want my family there. When you pay for our wedding, that's when you've got a say in what we do and when. Right now, we're planning on the end of the year. If we were to get married under someone else's time line it'd just create frustration! Neither of us wanting that feeling on our wedding day.

Today while at work I checked in with the apartment complex and we're all set to move in on Saturday. I'm excited!!! I've got to clean and pack. I did laundry last week but never folded it and put it away... oh my it looks scary in the bedroom. :P Looks like the dresser threw up all my clothes. LOL!
But now it's time to pack. I've got to figure out how to move this weekend since I don't have a truck or my man and need to pick up the couches and table...

Something will work out. ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Furniture and Batteries

Monday was a long day. After work I ran over to a woman's home who was selling a sofa and love seat. I bought both. She also threw in a solid oak wood table. There's an extension that comes with it to make it 6' long. :) I have plans to sand it down and paint it later, but that'll be projects for Loren. The other project for Loren was a solid wood dresser for $20 from another military wife. I want to sand it, paint/stain it, and change out the hardware. We've spent a grand total of $220 so far on furniture and already have a dresser, table, sofa and love seat. Next plan is to get a bed. Not exactly sure where to get that, but we'll figure it out. The people who have sold the furniture to us have all been complete sweet hearts! They're favorable to military families and are allowing us to save the furniture at their homes for a little bit until we move in next week... Oh my gosh! We're moving in next week! AH! We have 1 page of paperwork to get turned in still...

After arranging for the furniture, Loren bought me a new battery for the car! :) I'm so happy! We had some friends at the barracks put it in for us since we don't own any tools yet. It took a total of 10 minutes and then it was time to test it out! VROOOOOOM!!! Instantly! :D SO EXCITED!!!! Seriously, for the past few months we've been experiencing *turn the key* - *put, put, nothing* repeat 5 times, *starts*... Its nice to have a car that starts.

While we were at Walmart buying the battery we also picked up a poker set for Loren so he can have poker nights with his buddies and they can bring their wives. The boys can do their thing and the girls can do theirs. :)

There was a sale on fishing poles and I fell in love with a purple and white one. He got it for me! I can't wait for this summer when we can go camping and fishing. I haven't gone camping in quite a while. Loren says he hasn't "really" camped in a while, either. Camping in the Marine Corps is very different. *he hugged a tent*

After shopping we went out for Sushi at "Love Boat Sushi" in Oceanside. It's a small place, not a whole lot going on but very yummy sea food for fantastic prices! YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!

I'm getting excited to have our place ready. I've got to start packing my things up a bit. My dresser looks like clothes exploded out of it. I've been so busy I haven't had time to actually be home for more than a few hours. Loren is going to be changing barracks in the beginning of April, so sadly, he'll be moving twice in 1 month. But at least I'll be on the other end getting our place set up for him.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today was a rather peaceful Sunday. I took Loren his deserts today, having washed them last night. He and 3 of our other buddies were stuck on guard duty for the weekend. (40 days, people. 40 days left in the Corps!) One thing we did need to get was his cover. Loren's head is obviously bigger than mine (come on, he's a man!) but I don't look half bad as a grumpy old Marine. ;) So when I took him to grab lunch he found a cover in the office and we went to get him a new one. I learned a new term today - "Salted". When a uniform or a cover is "salted" it means they're getting old and faded. I also learned that there are different text weights for name tapes. If a name tape font is very thin and a brass color on deserts, it means that Marine is deployed. If a name tape is on greens with chunky, bold black letters it means that the Marine is in Boot Camp. I honestly never looked that closely. Good to know!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Well we turned in most of the paperwork (have 2 more pages to turn in before the credit check - we'll owe $200 more if it isn't good credit), paid the deposit, and are set to move in March 25th! The only thing we have as far as furniture right now is ... um... my crock pot. HAHA!!!

It's my early birthday present to be moving in early. They had a deal if we moved in before April that we could get our first month of rent discounted. So with our deposit and everything we'd actually over paid by almost $45, which they're adding to next month's rent for us.

I'm super excited! :D So for my birthday we're inviting our friends out for a party. Loren is sad that he has to use propane for the BBQ (he's a charcoal man). But, we've got a pool so everyone bring your swimming gear. You can crash at our place too. The date, not exactly sure. We'd like to do it on a weekend for everyone, just gotta find a weekend Loren doesn't have duty. ;)

Anyway, I'd better finish this laundry - switching to desert cammies this Sunday. Also remember it's daylight savings, so move your clock forward. "Fall - behind, Spring - ahead."


Friday, March 9, 2012

Gas in the Car & Apartments

I called the apartment complex yesterday and there's only 1 apartment left. I'm freaking! We don't get paid until next week. So I went and looked up other places as back ups. I have a few. One of them is this place...

I'm in love with this place!

When I got home last night, the car was out of gas. I've still got another week before pay day. *bites nails*... Gas is almost $5 a gallon here in California. Don't you just love politics? Yeah, me neither. The gas station down the road was $4.89 the other day. It's down to $4.49 now, but the news says it's going back up.

Ok, time to get some help. A co-worker (my supervisor) offered to help me out with rides to work next week, but what about Friday and Monday?... Thankfully Frank and Sylvia are nice enough to take me to work. Work is a half an hour away. Its quite the drive for them. I sure hope Loren and I get the apartment that's close to my work. That'd be very helpful on the gas situation.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Epic Weekend!

This was probably one of the most epically awesome weekends. Loren and I hadn't seen each other in 2 weeks (big sigh and sob) so I was more than excited when 5pm rolled around on Friday. I rushed up to Camp Pendleton to see him. When I got to his barracks and saw him walking around the corner of the building my heart jumped! :) I really missed him. Funny thing (I didn't notice til later that evening, but he noticed right away) we both had green hoodies on. hehe!

Loren and I drove out to town for dinner and drinks. We bar hopped for a while until coming across our new favorite in San Marcos. It has a patio pool room that's heated where he can smoke and we can hang out and play pool. There's also a modern day juke box where I can choose any kind of music I'd like to play. (Like a big Ipod). One of the bouncers is a Sgt that Loren knows and we ran into a few friendly faces while there.
Around 1am we grabbed a hotel and turned in for the night.

The next morning after breakfast Loren took me to the most AMAZING STORE IN THE WORLD!!!!!... Fry's Electronics.
This place is SERIOUSLY EPIC!!! I can't even put into words how cool this place is. There's fish swimming around in the walls! The selection of products.. wow! The staff are very helpful and very knowledgable. The prices are to die for! ;) My mind was racing as I walked through each isle and could imagine using each product in some way for my graphic design business.

As Loren and I left Fry's we decided to stop off in Vista to an apartment complex that I'd told him about. He liked it, it is temporary, but it'll work for now. It's about a 3 minute drive down the road from my work.

We're hoping to use our tax returns to pay for it. They're giving us a discount too because we're a military family. We've got to turn in our applications and hopefully we'll be approved. We'll know soon if we'll be moving there. The plan is for me to move in to the place in April, I'll set it up, and then when he checks out of the Corps then it'll be ready for us.

I've been looking on a website called Pendleton Yard Sales recently for deals to furnish the apartment. I recently added to our home with a CrockPot. ;) Yeay! It's sitting in my current bedroom where I'm more than anxious to use it. hehe! I've recently been gathering a collection of recipes, including some of Loren's favorites from his mom. I can't wait for us to have our own place where I can actually cook for him. It's hard right now because I live in a house with 5 other people and there's really no way I can stock up on my own spices and things right now. I just have to wait.

I drove back to Pendleton before even having a moment to register we were invited to a BBQ in Wire Mount III with friends and their wives.
We drove over and had a great time! It was nice to be able to chat with some of the other girls. I've recently been chatting with a friend of mine, Ashley, who is currently in TX and we've noted it's hard to relate to a lot of other women when it comes to the military. No one really knows what you're talking about or going through. So having a bunch of other military wives is very helpful. Plus, they're just as funny as their men. ;) (I'd met them first).

We spent the evening and eventually all of us crashed there.

The next morning we all went out for breakfast in Oceanside. I can't remember the name of the place we went to, but it was really good. Though, I don't know how many times I had to remind them about my drink. ;) They were pretty busy for a Sunday morning.

After breakfast we got gas in the car, I drove Loren to Pendleton to change and then I went home to shower and change the clothes I'd been in for the past 3 days. I'm seriously not one of those girls who can go without changing her clothes for 3 days.

When I got back up to Pendleton Loren and I went out to see the movie "Chronicles". It's an alright movie, not one I'd own or watch again. The idea was there, the story wasn't. I wish they'd given the movie a bit more thought. They made an almost nothing character (no character build up) the hero role in the end. Very confusing. It was hard to relate or connect with the "hero" because they never allowed you to connect with him. He was hardly a character, in my book.

After the movie, hanging out a bit, and dinner, we made our way back to the barracks to chill and take it easy. I went home around 10pm since I had to work the next day. I can't wait til we get our place. ;) Loren has guard duty til he gets out next month. It's getting closer. 46 days! :)